This part of is for anyone getting ready to take their first bite of the forbidden fruit. The world of bdsm can at times seem a bit scary, or silly, at first and while it can be both it isn’t always either. Sometimes it’s the way to intense and amazing experiences and relationships. If you’ve heard some bdsm expression that puzzles you, or you just want to browse a little, a good place to start is with our own ‘glossary of bdsm words’ and our ‘illustrated guide to bdsm’. These are helpful for quickly finding out what a word or expression means (in the glossary), or delving a little deeper for more details. We’ve also added some original photos to each section just to make it a bit more visually pleasing to the eye.
And now an exhibitionism demo from our “Hostess with the Mostess”, Dr. June Ann…
[jwplayer player=”1″ mediaid=”7727″]
^^^ Click Above To Play the Video of Dr. June Ann pimping her ride in public! ^^^
Click here to see her OnlyFans Channel for lots of sexy time fun!
Today’s Letter is “E”
Exhibitionism – Practiced by people who love drawing attention to themselves. The term has a specific use in psychiatry, where it describes a compulsion to exhibit ones genitals in public.


